I have been attempting this blog thing but to no avail. By golly, I'm gonna do it!
I'm passionate about a few things....and will probably drive you crazy should this work out for me. For now I will just tell them quickly what they are and what you can expect out of me.
1. My baby - ok, he's not a baby anymore. He's 6. But he will be MY BABY even when he's 36! He is and will always be my ONLY baby. My whole world revolves around him and the experiences he has. I have a theory, cheesy as it may be, but I firmly believe that life is not meant to just live but to experience! Why ebb through life day by day and not make the most of everything? Instead... EXPERIENCE everything! Driving to school? SING and act silly with your kids or ask them questions to keep their minds going (we play 20 Questions). It rained? Let the kids (and even yourself) have some fun by riding full speed through the rain puddles on a bike! You will laugh until you can't stand it! Ok, not all of my life experiences are fun and full of excitement, but I try to make most of them something to smile about. So that is why my favorite "JOB" in the whole world is being a mom! :) Sometimes I think I could be WAY better at being a mom, but other times I realize how fabulous my lil' guy has it and it makes me proud to know that I'm doing this for him....making life a super, uber cool bucket of rock star experiences! :)
2. My God - well, HE should have come first. HE makes me happy when skies are gray. HE provides. HE answers prayers. HE forgives. HE loves me when I'm unlovable. HE doesn't listen to gossip. HE doesn't judge (though sometimes I walk around feeling SO judged and doomed). But then I remember....HE IS LOVE! :) (and grace and mercy and happiness and kindness and generosity...need I go on?).
3. Decorating...on a BUDGET! I'm good at it (or so I've been told). 90% of my home (if not more) is filled with 2nd hand stuff. Even my wardrobe. I like being thrifty! I can buy more stuff and do more stuff when I buy cheap stuff! :) I think I will probably use this blog to show you how you can buy 2nd hand furniture and other finds and make them feel alive again. We'll see. I have a feeling this blog is going to host more than that...haha!
4. Real Estate - I sell it....I love it! I LOVE finding a bargain of a house in a sweet neighborhood and showing the world! I tend to take my thriftiness into my real estate. I can see the GOOD in most any home. There is USUALLY potential and I love that I can see past the yuck and see the gem. I will probably post pictures of homes I love and deals I find in our area.
So like I said, it will be a smorgasbord (hey, that's a real word...I just googled it) of info, hopefully mostly about painting, decorating, furniture, crafty crap and deals. Wish me luck!